Jul 17, 2020
Joining me on the show today is producer, talent manager, and
international speaker Brad Lambert.
Brad was born and raised in Pittsburgh. So it was no surprise when
he started off his career working with The Steelers by helping
their athletes in marketing and branding themselves.
Passionate and self-driven for success, Brad moved to LA. This
proved to be the highlight for his career as he worked with the
legendary Robert Downey Jr and team, then, on to some of the
biggest Hollywood brands, including Disney, Marvel, and Sony
Brad has also been a part of the marketing campaigns of two-hit
movies; Avengers End Game and Spiderman: Far From Home.
Brad in a
Brad is only motivated to work on things that he’s passionate
about. And although it’s a straightforward approach, the path
toward his inspirational success has been characterized by hard
discipline and commitment.
This is what led Brad into working in the Sports and Film
Business and
Connection Building
Brad started working with The Steelers while in senior high
He did whatever he could to add value to the lives and business
aspects of his clients (The Steelers athletes).
This ranged from social media management, brand building, PR, and
online marketing.
His main goal through all this was to establish his clients’ brands
to ensure maximum exposure for entrepreneurial and career
What motivated Brad at the time up to date, is the relationship and
connection side of the business.
He enjoyed getting to know the personal and social lives of the
athletes he worked with.
The relationship aspect, Brad advises, is the most important factor
behind the success of anything. From business to careers, family,
and friendships. Building genuine and trustworthy relationships is
the key to a firm and unshakable foundation.
Once you’ve established a great relationship, it will automatically
spill over to your general reputation and track record. Everything
else will fall into place without much effort.
Progress: Moving
to LA
Having received a call and provided an opportunity to work in
Hollywood. Brad jumped on board without any second thoughts.
Because he didn’t have any background in Film School. Brad had to
work twice as hard as the other producers and marketers in
Hollywood. But he had no problem with this since he’s always loved
new challenges and anything that required him to jump out of his
comfort zone.
Looking back at all of it now, Brad is grateful for the time he
spent working to produce and market Hollywood films.
Everything involved in the production aspects; research, coverage,
creativity hacking, and teamwork, have all helped in shaping him to
be the success he is today.
It’s this experience that shaped Brad’s belief in the spirit of
synergy and collaboration for inclusive success. Lifting each other
up is the only way we all win.
Adapting to the
COVID Environment.
Like everyone else’s lifestyle, Brad’s daily routine has massively
been affected by the pandemic.
But instead of complaining or sitting back to wait for things to
change, Brad has decided to take control and do the things that he
can to ensure progress.
He’s currently working on different projects to ensure easy
continuity once this COVID storm has settled.
Brad has also taken the opportunity to work on growing himself.
He’s been reading, watching Ted Talks, learning new skills, and
speaking on podcasts. His main focus is to come out on the other
side better than he currently is.
Although habits are hard to break. Just like Brad, taking it one
step at a time is the way to go.
Focus on the good, and the most you can do with the resources you
have. This is the way we all come out of the current crisis as
03:21 How Brad launched his career while in high school
06:07 Brad’s experience working with The Steelers.
07:43 Building the foundation of his marketing business
08:48 Business tips to starting a business
13:55 Transitioning from sports to the film industry
16:52 Experience working in Hollywood projects.
20:41 Brad’s personal life philosophy and character building.
24:41 Growing and succeeding in the COVID environment.
30:00 Making the most with the little you have
33:37 Pivoting from the 9-5 to going independent
36:57 Making better people instead of millionaires
38:01 Brad’s work habits and routines.
46:03 Building genuine relationships for success
53:05 Listen to Connected.
I did a lot of work for people which I never got paid for. Because it’s never been about business for me. Adding value and building relationships was my aim at the time. - Brad about working with some of The Steelers athletes while in high school.
All my success has come from building genuine relationships. Through these relationships, I’ve been able to build a foundation which I then leverage to transition into the money side of things.
Life is all about who you know. And when opportunities are presented to you by these people, you have to jump on that train.
Always challenge yourself. If things are beginning to get easy for you, then it’s time to focus on a different niche to ensure growth and overall success. I personally never say no to any opportunity, even if it’s something I’m not very familiar with.
We’re not together as we were in the past. If we change this and
we all stick together and support each other, then the world will
be a much better place.
Selected Links and Mentions
Downey jr.
Gary Vee
Connect with Brad
The Song “Connected” by James Kevin O’Connor
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