Aug 30, 2019
An Update from the World
Maestro, Colin O’Donohoe.
The Pangean Orchestra and the World Maestro’s
Musical Process.
On this episode of the dHarmic Evolution podcast, we welcome back the World Maestro, Colin O’Donohoe. Colin was on episode 6 of the podcast and hopefully, you will enjoy hearing about what he has been...
Aug 23, 2019
"It was one problem after another"
How Woodstock 50 fell apart!
Woodstock 50 had nearly every resource a festival could ask for
the storied brand name, massive financial backing and industry
Where did it all go wrong?
James talks about the current passing of the 50 year anniversary,
and how it did not...
Aug 16, 2019
Best from Amy:
“We're put on this Earth to do you know stuff that you know is going to change the world.”
“You know a lot of the artists they work you know they work full-time part-time right? So I'm doing both. I've got the three jobs, I've got a singing career. I'm Hannah Montana!”
“I’m always in the...
Aug 9, 2019
Today on the dHarmic Evolution podcast we are diving into a
variety of great topics. I will be having a conversation with the
man who was my first real mentor on the guitar. We’ll chat about
his journey and life experience as well as his beautiful, musical
In this episode, I am speaking with George Barker....
Aug 2, 2019
What is the motivation for people to pack up and move? Maybe you are thinking of packing up and moving to another state or possibly across the country, or maybe to a different country? Many people move every year. Some move for college, a new job or new opportunities. Relocating to a new place gives you a...